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About LCTG Planning Meetings

We would like to remind our members of these things:

  1. This is a group for YOU. Your ideas for our programming are very important.
  2. You might want to give a presentation. Many of us find something that interests us, and then learn enough to present. You can do this too.
  3. You might know someone who could give a good presentation. Sometimes it's a presentation you heard in another forum. Maybe it's a professor from a school you attended.
  4. You might find an interesting YouTube video or TV show that you think the group might be interested in.
  5. You might have opinions on what you would like to see us present.

In any case, please attend the planning meeting and participate in the discussion.

Your LCTG coordination committee,
John, Bob, Peter, and Steve

PS: If you might like to help coordinate the meeting, please ask one of us for details: Send us an email to, no obligation. We could use your help and opinions!

This page created 7/16/2023 and last changed 2023.07.16 12:17 Visits: [2 times today, 0 time yesterday, and 403 total times]

lctg_planning_meeting_about.txt · Last modified: 2023.07.16 12:17 by Steve Isenberg