This page last changed 2023.11.10 15:27 visits: 3 times today, 3 times yesterday, and 1607 total times
What's Recorded in Files
These are the settings I'm using
The following file types are produced and what is recorded, when recording to the cloud. (I“m not sure what's there if you don't record to the cloud, maybe only the active speaker and screen share view?)
GMT comes from the start of file names, e.g., for file GMT20231108-145003_Recording_avo_1280x720.mp4
this means the recording was done on 11/8/2023 at 14:50 and 3 seconds GMT (Greenwich Mean Time; 9:50am ET or 10:50am EDT), and it's the avo
File type. | Recorded when no screen shared | Recorded when screen shared | Effect of One Spotlighted | Effect of Two+ Spotlighted |
GMT…Recording | Active Speaker's camera | Shared screen with Active Speaker small in corner | Shows spotlighted person | Shows speaking person ignores spotlighting |
GMT…Recording_as | Black screen | Shared screen only | n/a | n/a |
GMT…Recording_avo | Active Speaker's camera | Spotlighted person | Shows speaking person ignores spotlighting |
GMT…Recording_gallery | Gallery, all attendee cameras | Shared screen with Active Speaker small in corner | spotlighted person | Shows speaking person ignores spotlighting |
GMT…Recording_gvo | Gallery, all attendee cameras | shows all attendee cameras | Shows only spotlighted people | |
GMT…transcript.vtt | Transcript of the meeting | n/a | ||
GMT…Chat.txt | The chat messages from the recording person's point of view (includes private messages) | n/a |
To verify this do these test cases.
- Spotlight one without screenshare
- Spotlight one with screenshare
- Spotlight two without screenshare
- Spotlight two with screenshare
- Spotlight three without screenshare
- Spotlight three with screenshare
How To Do Your Presentation Using Zoom
These notes are for a presenter.
- From the share dialog displayed, find your presentation, and select it.
- this might be your Desktop or this might be PowerPoint or whatever
When you want to stop sharing, click Stop Share