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Isenberg family history and documents

Picture pages

Scanned Documents

Judy Easton was able to save a number of documents that I've scanned and put here. Thanks for sending to me, Jim. If you have any documents you'd like to add here please let me (Steve) know.

William B. Isenberg in a college book

I recently found this book, The Indicator, on a shelf here, I don't know when or how I came to have it. I've scanned some pages from the book.

  • Page 89 (class picture) he is back row 5th from right.
  • Page 90 lists him as “Class Dude”.
  • I had thought William was born in Austria and traveled to US in 1910 as I'd seen some record that showed this, he and Layetta traveled to US in 1910 based on documents I'd found and if I'm remembering correctly. Yet on page 93, it has William Isenberg as born in Brooklyn on April 5, 1894. Interesting that he intends to go to Columbia for Civil Engineering.
  • Page 121, he's “Merely dude”.

William B. Isenberg Obituary in Detroit Jewish News

William B. Isenberg listed in Michigan Association of CPAs

Roster of members 1950-50. Bill is listed/mentioned on several pages, page 5, 9, 28, 32

William and Layetta Documents and pictures

Layetta age 10



Esther Isenberg funeral service

David Meyer's Document with Rodecker Family Tree Info

Info added 10Nov2023.
This was sent to Maxine by David Meyer. Maxine gave this in an envelope to me (Steve) some time ago.
We are on page 12.

That's it for now. I'll add more info when I find or receive it.

isenberg_history.txt · Last modified: 2025.02.06 11:26 by Steve Isenberg