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concerns about the work

  1. not clear what the result is supposed to be
  2. recording all these interviews but don't know what the plans are for them
  3. who is production manager
  4. who is going to go thru all recordings and pick out sound bites from each
  5. who is going to arrange these sound bites into a sequence for use by editor
  1. What are the specific objectives of this project?
  2. Who is the target audience?
    1. What are they looking for?
  3. What is the core message?
    1. What do you want the audience to do after watching the video?
    2. What do you want the audience to think after watching the video?
    3. How do you want the audience to feel after watching the video?
  4. How will the program or programs be distributed?
Dollar Shave Club

fenn_project_comments.txt · Last modified: 2021.12.22 10:51 by