Covid-19 Info, Precautions, and (of course) Stuff To Do To Keep Busy
Some of this information may be dated.
Virus related
Make your own face shield from 2 rubber bands, 2 binder clips, and a produce container
Virus Facts
disinfectant info | Arlington-based business selling hand sanitizers
Shopping, takeout and delivery suggestions
- With 3 rubber bands you can make a mask more safe. "MIT, Ex-Apple Engineers Show How Surgical Masks Become More Safe With Just 3 Rubber Bands"
Difference between N95, KN95, etc
some options (thanks, SK)
FOOD! I'm Hungry!
- places where food of many types is available for pickup and delivery in Lexington
list maintained by Derik Kauffman and Andrew Gritsevskiy to whom we are very grateful! Email updates or corrections to:
Keeping Busy
Coronavirus Music Parodies etc
Some interesting videos/presentations
- One Man, Two Guv'ners
The National Theatre of UK is making past broadcasts available on YouTube, and the link below will take you to “One Man, Two Guv'ners”, which is the funniest (I mean wet your pants funny) performance I have seen since my 9th grade French teacher took us to see La Comedie Francaise present “Les Fourberies de Scapin” with the great Robert Hirsch and I literally fell of my seat laughing, even though I could barely follow the script. “One Man” features James Corden, astonishingly light on his feet, provoking an abundance of belly-laughs, desperately needed at this gruesome moment. [R. D. Eno]
covidpage.txt · Last modified: 2021.12.22 10:51 by