This page last changed 2022.06.08 16:15 and viewed 4 times today, 4 times yesterday, and 995 total times since it was created.
You are going to present to the Lexington Computer and Technology Group. Great! Thanks! Here is some information that will help make your presentation a better one.
The Lexington Computer and Technology Group (LCTG) is a volunteer, no-cost, not-for-profit, just-for-fun-and-education organization that meets most Wednesdays from 10am to 11:30am using Zoom. Many members are accomplished PhD's, MD's, and Professionals who present to the group on a variety of topics, but we welcome and in fact encourage others to speak on topics familiar to them. Meetings are open to anyone interested in the topic(s). The group has an email list just for announcements and discussions and the list is moderated to prevent spammers.
Oh yes, can't forget to tell you how to connect to the meeting! Please join around 9:45am if you can.
We would be delighted if you want to join the group and get notices of upcoming meetings and join discussions.
To do this, send an email to
and include this info in the body of your message:
Why do we ask for this info? This is so we can limit list members to real people and prevent spammers from getting on the list.
Also, you can leave the list at any time, there's info on how to do this in each email or let us know at
A big thank-you for taking your time to prepare for and present to the group!
The default mouse cursor size might be the right one for your everyday use, but it might help your presentation if it was a little larger. Here's how to do that.
digested from
You can repeat this process when you want to reset the size.
This from