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=====Tricks Claude E. Shannon Used in His Research and Creative Thinking=====
Extracted from a video about him from 2015 presented to the Lexington Computer and Technology Group on 9/18/2024
====Tricks for formulating and solving problems====
- Simplification: get rid of enough detail (including practical aspects) for intuitive understanding.\\ \\
- Similarity to a known problem (experience helps)\\ \\
- Reformulate (avoid getting in a rut)\\ \\
- Generalize (more than opposite of simplify)\\ \\
- Structural analysis (break problem into pieces)\\ \\
- Inversion (work back from the desired result)
====Other tricks that Shannon often used====
- Be interested in several interesting problems at all times. Work on the most interesting one.\\ \\
- Look for contradictions as well as proofs.\\ \\
- Study what is happening in multiple fields. But don't work on what many others are working on.\\ \\
- Ask conceptual questions about everyday things.\\ \\
- Don't write papers unless you really want to share something fascinating.\\ \\
- Don't assume your readers know everything you do. Spoon feeding not a bad idea.